Car Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips To Keep You Cool This Summer

Our vehicle air conditioners become a priority as we approach the summer months. Having your AC not work during a hot summer’s day is a tragedy that most Aussies do not want to face. Here are 5 tips for keeping your air conditioning running at maximum performance.

1) Clean or change your air filter

Your car’s engine’s interior is kept clean of dust and debris thanks to air filters. You should clean your filters frequently because a clogged passage will make it challenging to chill the air.

The air filter is typically located behind the glove box. Find the filter’s casing, take it off, and shake the dirt out. Either the filter should be cleaned or changed.

If filters need to be replaced, pick ones that are better at purifying the air inside the automobile. However, if you don’t know how to accomplish this, your local mechanic should be able to take care of it for you.

2) Use high-quality refrigerant oil in your A/C system

Not all oils are created equal and you need to research which oil is the best for your application. Remember to check your oil every 2-3 months if you have a newer vehicle.

It is likely that your car’s air conditioning coolant has a recommended recharge time, possibly every two to three years, so check your vehicle’s service manual or handbook for the details.

3) Run your A/C frequently

Turn on the air conditioning once a week and leave it running for about 10 minutes. Set the fan to the fastest speed and the temperature to the coolest setting. This will lessen the possibility of a mechanical issue emerging by keeping the gas pressure at its ideal level and the compressor in good shape.

4) Let the A/C’s Defrost Mode Run for About 5 to 10 Minutes

If your car’s air conditioning has a defrost setting, it’s also worthwhile using it once a week for 10 minutes to assist eliminate moisture from the system and avoid mildew growth. You’ll appreciate air conditioning that is cleaner and less likely to release offensive odours that will reduce your comfort level and enjoyment during your travels.

5) Get regular car maintenance

The best way to keep your car’s air conditioning functioning well is to get regular service. Schedule an appointment at your local mechanic and they’ll ensure your car’s A/C system is kept in top shape.

You should also always get a car air conditioner checkup before summer comes around. This will help to maintain its performance and give you the freshest, coolest cabin for long, hot summer journeys.

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